We only have ports 22,80 open.


Sub domain found



CRM subdomain is a login page using Dolibarr 17.0


Entering a random username sort of lets you log in and see a lot of information but you cant really do anything


We have an authenticated RCE vulnerability in this version of Dolibarr so we need to find creds



I was actually wrong, admin admin is the login and we are able to create a rev shell. I saw the red error and figured we were unable to login but I was able to make a shell.



We need to click the “Websites” option in the top left and create a new website


Once created we can then setup a php shell in the page


Then we access the website(in my case i named it “test”) and we get a shell







mysql login found

www-data@boardlight:~/html/crm.board.htb/htdocs/conf$ cat conf.php


Hashes found in the llx_user table

Super admin: $2y$10$VevoimSke5Cd1/nX1Ql9Su6RstkTRe7UX1Or.cm8bZo56NjCMJzCm


Admin: $2y$10$gIEKOl7VZnr5KLbBDzGbL.YuJxwz5Sdl5ji3SEuiUSlULgAhhjH96

admin cracks to admin


Super admin was taking a while to crack so I checked to see if the mysql password was reused for larissa and it was. 



I tried a bunch of different exploits and missed one somehow



Copy the bash script and run it and we are root.