We only have ssh and port 8080 open
Port 8080 is a web page
Default creds work
There is authenticated RCE for PLC 3 but it doesnt work on this machine.
The script didnt work because the filename in the script was incorrect.
Changing this allows us to get a shell.
python3 rce.py -u -l openplc -p openplc -i -r 9999
We are root which is interesting but the root directory only has a user.txt file.
We are in a container
We find another IP address from linpeas which we can ping.
do to the name of this machine it makes sense that wifi is involved. We find a PLC router
After giving up I looked up a guide and oneshot is supposed to give me the PSK to allow me to connect to this wifi but it wouldnt work for me no matter which tool or how many resets I did. Machine is very broken. I reset the machine, tried oneshot.py tried the C version of oneshot
What oneshot outputs for me
What oneshot should output
Wifi Password NoWWEDoKnowWhaTisReal123!
Following this guide we can setup the wifi connection
We first setup a wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf config file.
We restart the service connecting us to the router
We set our IP and ssh into the machine and get the root flag